
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Costa Rica bound

I will be returning to Costa Rica at the end of this month for 5 weeks or so. There is a lot going on down there and I can't wait to get back.

I have a full itinerary already. Getting more work done on my Earthship, the goal being to have the foundation dug and the bottom room dug out. There is a full moon party at the farm, Eco-Sanctuary and the Envision Festival. On top of all that I am hoping to squeeze in some surfing somewhere. We will see if five weeks is long enough.


  1. Replies
    1. Quite true... I think I am going to just live ultra budget while I am here, then only go back to the states for a month or two then come back. I am really wanting to get serious about escaping the US, AKA FEMArica. Things are so ripe for fascist dictatorship. Maybe I listen to too much Alex Jones, but I am ready to occupy another country.
