
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Commotion Pi: Build an RPi MESH Node

We'll begin with assuming you have a Raspberry Pi up and running with Raspbian installed, latest firmware (rpi-update), a working understanding of the command line and an internet connection. I am installing on a headless RPi Rev.A and all configuration will be done from the command line via a console cable.  I also like to run all my processes using the application "screen" so I can (re)connect to it from elsewhere if needed. SSH will work until you mesh, then you can only ssh from within the mesh.

Also, you will need a compatible wifi interface. I used the panda usb dongle with antenna:

Panda Mid-Range 150Mbps 802.11B/G/N 2.4GHz WiFi USB adapter

List of devices here:

Also might be a good idea to come hang out with us on freenode IRC, channel #commotion. I go by shamanon.

Step 1: Update the RPi to Jessie

Per a post I found the Jessie distro is required to install commotion wireless. First we will make sure the existing install in updated then we will upgrade to Jessie. You can copy and paste, leave out the $ of course ;).

  $ sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade

This takes a bit....

  $ sudo rpi-update

This too... do-do-dodo... 

Once that's done edit /etc/apt/sources.list

  $ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

To look like this:

deb jessie main contrib non-free rpi
deb jessie main contrib non-free rpi
deb-src jessie main contrib non-free rpi

 Now update/upgrade again:

  $ sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade

This time consuming process affords us some time to do some homework and review the posts that got me started:

Step 2: Install Dependencies

A myriad of dependencies will need to be installed to get commotion to work. Here is a good starting list, hopefully this will enable you to compile commotiond in the next step.

$ sudo apt-get install git-buildpackage bison flex python-gtk2-dev liblua50-dev \
libldns-dev libavahi-core-dev libavahi-common-dev \
lua5.1 liblua5.1-0-dev subversion libsqlite3-dev \
python-all autoconf cmake

Step 3: Install serval goodies

You will need to have serval-dna and serval-crypto installed for commotiond (next step)  to compile. So let's download the package of deb files from my repo. Let's make a commotion folder and go there if we haven't already:

$ cd ~
$ mkdir Commotion
$ cd Commotion

You have a few options:

Get the files from my server and unzip:

$ wget
$ tar -xvf commotion-pi.tar.bz2
$ cd commotion-pi

Or you can checkout/download the files from google code

svn checkout commotion-wireless-raspberry-pi-read-only


$ sudo dpkg -i serval*.deb

if this fails on dependencies, do this

$ sudo apt-get install -f
$ sudo dpkg -i serval*.deb

Step 4: Install commotiond

The package commotiond needs to be installed from source manually.

$ unzip
$ cd commotiond-master
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install

$ Step 5: Install Rest of Packages

$ cd ../../
$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb

This will probably fail but setup a list of dependencies for apt-get so:

 $ sudo apt-get install -f

All dependencies will be installed. On a fresh Pi, this is a lot. Pi goes will with coffee. When it's done, do the install again:

  $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Step 6: Configure Node

You will need to make sure network manager can control your wifi for it to work. Edit /etc/network/interfaces and comment out (add a # at the beginning of the line) all the lines pertaining to any wlan device.

$ sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

It should look something like this:

Save and shutdown. If you already have unencyrpted mesh nodes set up with default settings it might just connect on reboot, not sure yet.

This is the kind of bummer part, you will need to hook up a monitor and keyboard as I have not figure out how to do everything from the command line yet. ( good news is that once you are done, the Pi can be booted headless and it will auto connect to your mesh )

Once your stuff is connected, boot the pi and log in. I got things to work by starting up to the command line, and executing this command ( I know you shouldn't run X as root, but just this once, K? )

$ sudo startx

You should now have a mesh applet running in your toolbar next to your network manager applet.

Right click on the network manager icon and select edit connections. If it's just going to be a mesh node delete all connections except the and then edit the connection, making sure that encryption is set to none in the security tab. Save and close.

Click the commotion applet and a menu will appear, select, and if all went well you should connect to the mesh.

I have found that I can now shutdown the pi and remove all peripherals save for the wifi adapter and when I boot up it connects to the mesh automatically. I am able to ssh in over the mesh from my laptop
so I am indeed connected!

Next step, I will set up a RPi B to be a web access point.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Commotion Wireless: The journey continues

In my effort to set up a commotion MESH here at the lab, I have learned much. I was easily able to get a node set up on my newer laptop (64bit) running Ubuntu 14.04 by downloading and installing all the .deb packages located here:

Make a folder in your home folder called Commotion and download the packages there, then from the command line:

$ cd ~/Commotion
$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb

(this fails on dependencies, so..)

$ sudo apt-get install -f

( this will download and install all needed dependencies, when it's done... )

$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Once this is done, logout and back in or reboot and you should have a commotion wireless applet next to your networking applet. use this to connect/start the default network. I only have one node, but it seems to be working, I can veiw the local apps page in my browser (localhost:8080). There is a connection status applet I can open, however as there are no other nodes just yet, I don't see anything.

Now I am working on building deb packages from source via github for my 32 bit laptop and Raspberry Pi. Running wheezy I had to add the testing branch for the latest version of libc6-devel and wpa_supplicant. Hopefully I will have some deb packages for i386 and RPi (armf) available soon. Fingers crossed!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Commotion Pi: Preliminary Investiagion

My obsession for living an "off-grid" lifestyle has brought my thoughts to my reliance on the internet. Knowledge being the key to a convergent vision, a web without infrastructure is pertinent. Why pay for a service we can create ourselves? Buy the physical hardware and the rest is free, as in beer.

Off grid power is fairly simple, especially with the constantly improving solar and battery technologies. Almost everyone owns a wireless communication devices, yet we rely on an outside service to provide the communication platform. A service that is costly, unreliable and restricted. Could we make our own internet?

Have you ever noticed the Ad-Hoc setting when configuring a wireless device? In this case we will use definition #2:

"fashioned from whatever is immediately available"
There are definitely a number of wireless devices "immediately available" on my desk here alone.   
Enter Commotion Wireless ( )...
I have been searching to see if anyone has used a raspberry pi to create a Commotion node. All I have found is this blog post so far:
NOT a whole lot of information, BUT enough to get me started. I already have a RPi Rev. A with raspbian on it. I am going with the Rev. A as I shouldn't need an enormous amount rescources to accomplish my task (single usb port for wifi card) and the RPi A uses less power making it more suited to something solar/battery powered. First step is upgrade to Raspbian Jesse per this post:
I will blog as I go, and if all works out will finish with a how-to.